Regardless of whether you represent an institution, an agency, or an individual agent, the process for changing or reseting your password in our platform remains the same. Simply visit our website and click on Sign In. If you forgot your password you’ll need to follow this steps:
1. Click on Sign in
2. Click on Forgot password depicted in the image below
3. Insert your e-mail in the Reset Password field and you’ll receive the instructions in your e-mail
If you simply want to change your password you’ll need to follow this steps:
1. Once you are logged in your account, click on Go to Dashboard
2. Click on My Profile
3. Then click on Password and insert your New Password
4. Almost there… Don’t forget to save the changes!
If you encounter any issues in the preceding steps please don’t hesitate to contact us at Alternatively, you can schedule a call with us for personalized assistance.